156. Qa’id Ishā’at shall try to increase the circulation of the Monthly Ansarullah and motivate members to contribute their articles to the Monthly.
157. Qa’id Ishā’at shall publish important books and literature, as and when required, and supply it to the Majalis.
The department shall make sure that each member is receiving “Ansaruddin”.
• Ansãr may be given choice to receive it electronically or in printed form.
• Majalis / Regions should send their activities reports along with selected pictures (High resolution) for publication in “Ansaruddin”.
• Be a part, to improve the standard & quality of our electronic and print publications.
• Find and introduce Ansãr brothers in your Majalis and Regions, who are journalists, writers’, web designers, graphic designers, Photographers, etc.
• Majalis to encourage local businesses to advertise in “Ansaruddin”.
The Rates are as follows:
Full page for whole year £1200
Half page for whole year £650
Quarter page for whole year £350