Majlis Ansarullah UK
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About Us
The Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam was founded by Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (a.s.) in 1889 who proclaimed to be the Promised Messiah of the latter days. Since its inception, the community has strived tirelessly to present the true …
What is PLEDGE?
Pledge is a solemn promise to Allah to believe in Him and to follow:
Allah’s commandment and Those of His prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) and The promised Messiah (a.s) and…
All male members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association automatically join the Majlis Ansarullah on 1st January after their 40th birthday.
The ‘Saff-e-Awal‘comprises members of age 55 years and above. ‘Saff-e-Doem’…
Aims & Objectives
The aim of the organisation is the moral and spiritual training of the members so as to promote the love of God, righteousness, exhorting them to discharge their duties towards the Creator and fellow human beings;…
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Majlis Ansarullah UK
Helpers of Allah
Majlis Ansarullah is an auxiliary organization of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community for men age 40 and over.
The name “Ansarullah” is an Arabic expression meaning “helpers of Allah.” It is taken from a verse of the Holy Qur’an, “And when Jesus perceived their disbelief, he said, ‘Who will be my helpers in the cause of Allah?’ The disciples answered, ‘We are the helpers of Allah. We have believed in Allah. And bear thou witness that we are obedient”
Āle`Imrān Chapter 3, Verse 53
All Ahmadi Muslims who are forty years of age or over comprise the general body of ‘Ansarullah.’ Majlis Ansarullah, like the main body of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community – to which it is subordinate – is a non-political, religious and spiritual organization.

A Path to Enlightenment.
Here you can download both English and Urdu compilations.
Annual Plan & Guidelines
The “Annual Plan & Guidelines for the Majalis” and the instructions contained therein should be adopted as the minimum standards expected…
The latest English & Urdu edition of the Majlis Ansarullah UK constitution…
Addresses of Khulafa
Visitors can now view the addresses of Khulafa at the various Majlis Ansarullah National Ijtemas…
Invitation to Ahmadiyyat
Being a statement of beliefs, a rationale of claims, and an invitation, on behalf of the…
Our Own Projects & Projects We Support

Masroor Eye Institute
Huzoor e Aqdas (May Allah be his helper) has graciously given us the project to build and run Masroor Eye Institute in Burkina Faso, West Africa.
A state-of-the-art teaching eye hospital which is being built at this time with planned completion and opening in 2020 Inshallah at a cost of over 1 million pounds. Once complete this ‘sadqa jaria’ will inshallah benefit the whole of West Africa providing premium eye treatments to thousands of patients every year.
Please donate wholeheartedly to this Project. All donors who have donated £10,000 or more will be Inshallah invited to its inauguration and their names etched in the Institute’s main lobby. You can donate on behalf of your parents or relatives as well.