
153. Qa’id Tehrik-e-Jadid shall motivate members of Majlis Ansarullah to participate in the financial sacrifices of Tehrik-e-Jadid. He shall also make the demands of Tehrik-e-Jadid known to all the members.


Qa’id Tehrīke-e-Jadīd shall motivate members of Majlis Ansarullah to participate in the financial sacrifices of Tehrīke-e-Jadīd. He shall also make the demands of Tehrīke-e-Jadīd known to all the members.

Tehīk-e-Jadīd is a blessed scheme which starts from 1st November and ends on 31st October. It is our duty to make Ansãr brothers aware of the importance of this scheme.

Hazrat Ameer ul Momineenایدہ اللہ تعالیٰ بنصرہ العزیزhas urged Ansãr to ensure that 100% of them take part in this blessed scheme.