“The task of reformation is colossal. You should never tire in the effort of reforming someone, even if you may have to attempt it 4000 times. Neither should you get tired, nor should you give up. You should try to make them understand with love.”
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Al-Khamis ایدہ اللہ تعالیٰ بنصرہ العزیز
- Offering Istikhara prayer
- Why so some marriages fail even though people see good dreams?
- Give preference to prayer over caste
- What is the role of Istikhara when seeking a suitable Rishta?
- What is the proper way to perform Istikhara when seeking a Rishta (marriage)
- If we see a dream after Istikhara, how to differentiate between good and
satanic dreams? - What is the proper way to do Istikhara?
- How do I know whether a marriage proposal is good for me?
Parents Role
Marrying someone of another faith
- The importance of marrying an Ahmadi woman
- Prioritize faith over all else when choosing a spouse
- Is an Ahmadi woman permitted to marry a non-Ahmadi man?
- What is the status of a marriage between an Ahmadi Muslim woman and a non-Ahmadi Muslim man?
- Can Muslim men marry Christian women?
- How Can we Protect Ourselves from Future Generations Marrying Outside the Jama’at
- Is an Ahmadi Muslim permitted to marry a non-Ahmadi Muslim?
- Can an Ahmadi woman marry a non-Ahmadi man if he is willing to convert?
- Ahmadis do not get married to Non-Ahmadis. Explanation. (Urdu)
- Guidance to men who marry outside
- Ahmadi men should consider future generations when marrying
- Marrying outside the Jama’at: ‘Although she may please you’
- What is the view of Ahmadiyyat on inter-racial and inter-cultural marriages?
Marrying Relatives
- Marrying relatives
- Marriage Amongst Relatives (Urdu)
- Why does Islam permit the marriage of cousins of genetics shows that this practice could be harmful?
- Why does Islam allow people to intermarry within relations despite medical research showing this practice may be harmful?
- Is it encouraged to marry cousins?
- The Challenges of Matchmaking
- Dating and Marriage (Beacon of Truth)
- Marriage is a personal matter
- Does Islam promote arranged marriages
- On etiquette of seeking a spouse
- On sharing profiles
- Age difference between husband and wife (Urdu)
- Covering faults when seeking Rishta
- Do not interfere in an ongoing Rishta discussion
- Are couples destined by Allah Almighty?
- Demands Made During Rishta (Prospect) Discussions
- Importance of speaking the truth (Qawl-e-Sadeed)
- Why can’t Muslim women marry more than one husband?
- To what extent can a boy and girl interact when being introduced for the purpose of marriage?
Qualities of a future spouse
- Put emphasis on Deen (Faith) over other aspects, when choosing a spouse
- Prioritize righteousness over caste and tribe when choosing a spouse
- Focus on a woman’s Faith, not her beauty, to secure your future generations
- Give consideration to righteous offspring when choosing a spouse
- Advice on finding a life partner
- Some men choose a spouse for immoral reasons
- Do not focus on beauty and charm when choosing a spouse
- When Choosing a Spouse Don’t Differentiate Between Race and Caste
- Overcoming challenges in finding a righteous spouse
- Blessings of a Pious Wife
- Consequences of marrying for social status
- Consequences of marrying for money
- Importance of prioritizing Taqwa when choosing a spouse
Married Life
- Advice for married couples?
- Matrimonial Challenges
- Eight mistakes that destroy a marriage (Urdu)
- What are the responsibilities of a wife/husband to each other (Urdu)
- How we should treat our wife (Urdu)
- Always keep in mind the purpose of marriage as per the Promised Messiah (as)
- No in one is perfect
- Objective of Marriage: Companionship and peace of mind
- Objective of Marriage: A loving family and society
- Objective of Marriage: Righteous Progeny
- Qualities of a Husband and Wife
Advice to the Jama’at departments
Whoso acts righteously, whether male or female and is a believer, WE will surely grant him a pure life; and WE will surely bestow on such their reward according to the best of their works
And of HIS Signs is that HE has created wives for you from among yourselves that you may find peace of mind in them, and HE has put love and tenderness between you. In that, surely, are Signs for a people who reflect
HE it is Who created you from a single soul and made therefrom its mate, that he might find comfort in her.
These verses signify that marriage is meant for the attainment of peace of mind and mutual love and affection. Allah has also said that marriage is the means of attaining piety and of guarding one’s chastity. He says:
They are a sort of garment for you and you are a sort of garment for them….
The Holy Prophet, may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said:
There is no better and superior present that a father can give to his children than cultivation of good morals.
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Useful Documents
https://rishtanata.ahmadiyya.uk/ is the official website of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association UK’s department of Rishta Nata (matrimonial service).
Meet & Greet events are hosted by this department and a great way to meet one another. This site also provides details of when the next Meet & Greet event is taking place and details on how to register.
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