Bait ul Raheem Mosque (in Cardiff)

Bait-ur-Raheem MOSQUE

A project sponsored by Majlis Ansarullah UK

Donation Pledge for “Cardiff Mosque
Online donation Payment for “Cardiff Mosque

By the grace of Allah the construction of the Cardiff mosque has already started. Majlis Ansarullah UK is launching a campaign called “Cardiff Mosque Fund” to help us meet the construction costs.

Following the 2011 Majlis Ansarullah UK Shura, a recommendation was submitted to
Huzoor-e-Aqdas (aba ), suggesting that the Majlis Ansarullah take on the noble task of
constructing a purpose built Mosque for Cardiff, Wales & South West Region.
Responding to this call, a collection campaign was initiated and dedicated Ansar
brothers generously participated towards the required funds.

In 2014, by the grace of Allah, a property was acquired at the cost of £350,000 fully
funded by Majlis Ansarullah. Presently, this site serves as a Mosque and Salat centre.
Huzoor-e-Aqdas (aba) has graciously named it Bait-ur-Raheem Mosque.
While the planning permission for the purpose-built Mosque was granted in March
2018, the subsequent construction plans faced delays due to the challenges posed by the
COVID pandemic.
On 9th September 2023, the foundation stone ceremony was conducted, led by
respected Amir Sahib UK.
However, it is important to note that the project’s cost has seen a significant increase. To bridge
this financial gap and see the completion of this noble endeavour, an additional £1.5
million is required.
This marks the second Mosque being built by Majlis Ansarullah, with the first being
erected in Hartlepool in 2005, a testament to the continuous dedication of Majlis
Ansarullah UK to serve the community.
In light of this blessed opportunity, it is anticipated and earnestly hoped that Ansar
brothers will wholeheartedly participate in this endeavour, offering their generous
donations. With collective effort and Divine blessings, the goal is to complete this
project, Insh’Allah

Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V address, 19th Oct 2018

“When we ardently seek to fulfil the true purposes of building a Mosque, we will see
the blessings and benefits of the Mosque in this very life. Our children and future
generations will remain attached to their faith and we will be those who enlighten the
locals about the true peaceful message of Islam. We will become those who will
establish the Oneness of God and will spread the message of the Holy Prophet
Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) across the globe”

Bait-ul-Raheem Mosque Cardiff Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony (9 Sep 2023)