A Refreshers’ Course was successfully organised by Majlis Ansarullah Masroor Region which was held on Sunday, the 4th February, 2024 from 05:00pm to 09:00pm in Wallacefield School KT17 3BH. Participants gathered for opening session after congregational prayers of Maghreb & Isha.
Presided over by Sahibzada Mirza Waqas Ahmad, Sadr, Majlis Ansarullah UK, the opening session of the program was started with the recitation from the Holy Qu’ran by Mr Ayub Nadeem. Sahibzada Mirza Waqas Ahmad, Sadr, Majlis Ansarullah UK led the pledge. Mr Mirza Rasheed read out a portion from the writings of Promised Messiah (AS).
Afterwards, Sadr Sahib made his speech in which he discussed about ‘Righteous Servants’ the theme of the Majlis Ansarullah UK for the year 2024. He pointed out the various Qualities of Allah’s Righteous Servants and said that we, being the members of Majlis Ansarullah need to adopt and practice these qualities in-order to achieve Allah’s pleasure. Sadr Sahib moved towards the Refreshers’ Course participants and spoke with the attendees. He allowed the participants to express feelings and remarks on theme of the year and enquired as to how a member of Majlis Ansarullah should lead his personal and spiritual life. Sadr Sahib led silent prayer at the concluding of the opening session. Respected Kashif Sethi, Nazim Ala of Masroor Region thanked the participants.
Discussions of the Refreshers’ Course were held in separate arrangements for various departments of the organisation like – Amoomi, Taleem, Tarbiyyat, Rishta Nata, Isha’at, Tabligh, Finance, Isha’ar, Audit, Tajneed, Taleem-ul-Qur’an, Zehanat & Sehat Jismani etc. During the course of discussion Nazmeen narrated the course view in details, gave course materials and answered the questions placed by the participants.
Total 108 office bearers which consist of Nazmeen, Zoamas and Muntazmeen attended this Refreshers’ Course. Dinner was served among the participants which was really enjoyed.
Report : Mansoor Ahmad, Nazim Amoomi, Masroor Region, MAUK.