Date: Sunday, 10th November 2024
Key Activity: Congregational Fajr Prayer

By the grace of Allah, Majlis Ansārullah Baitul Ehsan Region celebrated Salāt Awareness Day on Sunday, 10th November 2024, at Baitul Ehsan Mosque. The event was a resounding success, with full participation from all seven Majālis of the region.

The primary aim of Salāt Awareness Day was to strengthen the connection of Ansār brothers with the Mosque, especially reaching out to those members and their families who are less connected to the Mosque.

A Salāt Committee Meeting on 28th October 2024 laid the groundwork for the day. Zoama Majālis and Local Muntazimeen Tarbiyat aimed to bring at least 40% of their Tajnid to the Fajr Prayer. It was also decided that breakfast would be provided after the prayer.

To ensure maximum participation:

  • Consistent reminders were sent to all Zoama Majālis and Muntazimeen Tarbiyat.
  • Regular phone calls by Nazim Tarbiyat and Nazim A‘ala helped track publicity efforts and encouraged Zoama and Muntazimeen to strive for high attendance.

Participation & Attendance

Alhamdolillah! A total of 182 members, including Ansār, Khuddam, Atfal, and Lajna, attended the Fajr prayer at Baitul Ehsan Mosque.

Attendance Breakdown:

MajlisAnsar Target% Attendance to TargetAnsarKhuddamAtfalLajnaTotal Attendance
Baitul Ehsan2496%2350129
South Cheam2895%2787244
Morden Park2352%1222016

Highlights of the Day

  1. Dars: After the prayer, the Regional Murabbi Sahib delivered an inspiring dars, focusing on the blessings and importance of Salāt.
  2. Breakfast: Members were served a delicious breakfast in the multipurpose hall of the mosque, fostering a sense of community and brotherhood.

Closing Remarks

We pray to Allah Ta‘ala to accept these humble efforts, bless all participants, and increase their spiritual status. May He draw us nearer to Him and help us maintain a steadfast connection with Salāt, Ameen!