Date: 06/10/2024


For the National Ijtema Ansarullah UK 2024, Baitul Futuh Region was assigned key organizational duties. Alhamdulillah, Majlis BF-South (BFS) successfully performed all allocated duties, including site security, setup, registration, reception, central guest management, and windup operations.

Prior to the Ijtema, we held two meetings to discuss the tasks assigned to us and to plan how we could efficiently fulfill our responsibilities. Below is a detailed account of the tasks carried out by Majlis BF-South in relation to the National Ijtema.

Tasks Performed by Majlis BF-South:

24th September 2024:

  • Our Majlis BF-South performed Site Security Duty at the Ijtema Gah.

25th September 2024:

  • Setup Duty at Ijtema Gah: Ansar brothers from BFS actively participated in the setup operations for the Ijtema.

26th September 2024:

  • On the morning of the 26th, our team loaded the van at Baitul Futuh and assisted the Isaar team by transporting equipment to the Ijtema site.
  • BFS provided manpower for various duties, including registration, reception, central guest setup, and the homeopathic dispensary.
  • We also had the opportunity to meet Sahibzada Mirza Waqas Ahmad Sb, Sadr Majlis Ansarullah UK.

27th to 29th September 2024:

  • Throughout the three days of the Ijtema, Majlis BFS consistently participated in duties such as registration, reception, and managing central guests, ensuring smooth operations.

29th September 2024:

  • Windup Operations: After the final session of the Ijtema, BFS brothers helped clear the Registration Marquee, wind up the Ijtema Gah Marquee, and assisted with the homeopathic dispensary.

30th September 2024:

  • After Isha prayers, our Majlis assisted with van unloading at Baitul Futuh Mosque.

1st October 2024:

  • BFS provided support for the windup operations at the Ijtema site.

5th October 2024:

  • BFS participated in the final Waqar-e-Amal, helping to clear the Ijtema site.


Majlis BF-South successfully completed all of its assigned duties for the National Ijtema Ansarullah UK 2024, contributing significantly to the smooth execution of the event. The dedication and commitment of our members ensured the timely and efficient completion of all tasks.

Alhamdulillah, we received positive feedback from the national team. May Allah reward all the volunteers who contributed to the success of the National Ijtema. Ameen.

Rizwan Sheikh
Zaeem Majlis BF-South