By the grace of Allah, both the majalis had their ijtema together at Baitul Ehsan Mosque on Sunday 10th March 2024.
Ijtema campaign began in January 2024. Follow up meetings were held where ijtema programme was finalised. All members of the majlis were informed by telephone calls, messages and visiting in person.
Ijtema began with Tahajud prayer. Ijtema proceedings were started at 9:30 AM with registration. Tea and snacks were served to the members throughout the day. Academic and sports competitions were held for the spiritual and physical enhancement of our members. It was a very successful programme. Alhamdolillah.
We were blessed with the presence of Sadar Sahib Majlis Ansarullah UK, Sahabzadah Mirza Waqas Ahmad Sahib who very kindly accepted our request to join us in the ijtema. He joined us in the opening session. He addressed the audience and engaged in question and answers session.
Delicious food was served followed by Zuhar prayer. Ijtema report was read by Omer Farooq Sahib (Nazim Ijtema). Many successful Ansar brothers received books, trophies and medals. Respected Sheikh Rafiq Ahmad Sahib Na’aib Qaid Talim Ul Quran hosted the prize distribution ceremony followed by concluding address and Dua.
Zafar Aftab Zaeem Majlis Carshalton
Baitul Ehsan Region